Sunday, April 8, 2012

Biology Paper

                                                                      78                          ICSE Specimen Question Paper                              

SCIENCE Paper – 3  
(One hour and a half)
Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper.
The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
Attempt all questions from Section I and any four questions from Section II.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].
SECTION  I (40 Marks)
Attempt all questions from this Section
Question 1
(a)  Name the following:
(i)  The respiratory pigment found in erythrocytes.
(ii)  The organ that produces urea.
(iii)  The part of the chloroplast where the light reaction of photosynthesis
takes place.
(iv)  The Vehicular Standard for controlling air pollution.
(v)  The part of the ovary that produces progesterone.  [5]

(b)  State whether the following statements are true or false.  If false, rewrite
the correct form of the statement by changing the first word only:  
  (i)  Cones are photoreceptor cells that are sensitive to dim light.
  (ii)  The Beta cells of the pancreas secrete insulin.
(iii)  Tubectomy is the surgical method of sterilization in man.
(iv)  Guttation is the loss of water in the form of water droplets from
(v)  Nephrons are the basic unit of the brain.  [5]
(c)  Give technical terms for the following:
  (i)  Plasma devoid of fibrinogen.
                                                                      79                          ICSE Specimen Question Paper                              
  (ii)  Movement of water molecules across the cell membrane from
hypertonic to hypotonic solution.
  (iii)  The stage where chromosomes lie on the equator of the achromatic
  (iv)  Alternative form of a gene on a pair of homologous chromosome.
  (v)  Period of complete intrauterine development of the foetus.  [5]

(d)  Given below are five sets with four terms each.  In each set one term is
odd.  Choose the odd one out of the following terms given and name the
category to which the others belong:   [5]

(i)     Sneezing, coughing,
         blinking, typing
(ii)    ADH, TSH,     NADPH,  
(iii)  Detergents, sewage, X-rays;
oil spills.        
(iv)   Stoma, stroma,
         lamellae,     quantosome.
(v)    Basophil, neutrophil,
        Eosinophil,  lymphocyte.

(e)  Given below is an apparatus used to study a particular process in plants.
Study the same and answer the questions that follow:

                                                                      80                          ICSE Specimen Question Paper                              
(i)  Name the apparatus.
(ii)  Mention one limitation of this apparatus.
(iii)  Which phenomenon is studied with the help of this apparatus?
(iv)  What is the function of the part marked reservoir?
(v)  What is the role of the air bubble in the experiment?  [5]
(f)  Choose the correct alternative from the choices given below each statement so
as to complete its meaning:
  (i)  The number of daughter cells formed at the end of meiosis from a cell
    (a)  2 Haploid cells
    (b)  2 Diploid cells
    (c)  4 Haploid cells
    (d)  4 Diploid cells.
  (ii)  Which of the following is not a part of the female reproductive system
in human beings?
    (a)  Uterus
    (b)  Ovary
    (c)  Ureter
    (d)  Fallopian tube.
  (iii)  Ovulation occurs:
(a)  at the beginning of menstrual cycle
(b)  in the mid of the menstrual cycle
(c)  at the end of the menstrual cycle
(d)  during any time of the menstrual cycle.
(iv)  Phototrophic mode of nutrition requires:
(a)  Chlorophyll
(b)  Sunlight
(c)  CO2 and water
(d)  All the above.
(v)  Plasmolysis identifies the process of:
(a)  Imbibition
(b)  Diffusion
                                                                      81                          ICSE Specimen Question Paper                              
(c)  Active transport
(d)  Osmosis.  [5]
(g)  Given below are five sets of terms.  In each case, arrange and rewrite each set
so as to be in logical sequence.
  (i)  Tympanum, stapes, malleus, incus, fenestra ovalis
  (ii)  Graafian follicle, uterus, oviducal funnel, fallopian tube, ovum
  (iii)  Soil, water, root hair, xylem, cortex, endodermis
  (iv)  Association neuron, effector, motor neuron, receptor, sensory neuron.
  (v)  Lens, pupil, conjunctiva, yellow spot, cornea.  [5]
(h)  Explain the following terms:
(i)  Antiseptic
(ii)  Photolysis
(iii)  Growth rate of population
(iv)  Pollutant
(v)  Trophic hormone.  [5]

SECTION II (40 Marks)
Attempt any four questions from this Section

Question 2
(a)  Given below is a diagrammatic representation of a certain part of the process
of circulation of blood in man.  Study the same and then answer the questions
that follow:

                                                                      82                          ICSE Specimen Question Paper                              
(i)  Name the parts labelled 1, 2, 4 and 6.
(ii)  Give the number and name of the vessel which contains the maximum
amount of urea a few hours after a protein rich meal.
(iii)  Draw a neat, labelled diagram of the cross sectional view of the blood
vessel numbered 3.
(iv)  Mention two structural differences between blood vessels ‘3’ and ‘8’.  [5]

(b)  Differentiate between the following pairs on the basis of what is given in
  (i)  Lymphocytes and Neutrophils. (structure of the nucleus)
  (ii)  Beginning of the ventricular systole and the end of ventricular systole.
(type of heart sound)
(iii)  Prostrate gland and Cowper’s gland. (the nature of secretion)
(iv)  Rod cells and Cone cells. (pigment)
(v)  Simple goitre and exophthalmic goitre. (cause of the disorder)  [5]

Question 3

(a)  Complete the following table by filling in the  numbered  blanks  with an
appropriate term/answer:

Gland  Hormone produced  Function
Thyroid  1  2
3  4  Dilates pupil of eye
5  Insulin  6
7  ADH  8
9  10  Conversion of glycogen  to
(b)  (i)  Draw a neat diagram of a single Malpighian corpuscle  and label the
following parts:
  Glomerulus, Bowman’s capsule, Afferent arteriole, and Efferent
(ii)  Name and explain the process that occurs in the glomerulus.  [5]
                                                                      83                          ICSE Specimen Question Paper                              
Question 4
(a)  Study the diagram given below and then answer the questions that follow:

(i)  Name the parts labelled 1 and 2.  State the functions of each part.
(ii)  State any two functions of the amniotic fluid.
(iii)  What  is the role of the umbilical cord in the development of the
(iv)  Name the part in the diagram which is endocrine in nature.        [5]

(b)       (i)  State Mendel’s law of Independent Assortment.  
(ii)  A  homozygous  Tall  plant  (T)  bearing red coloured (R) flowers is
crossed with a homozygous Dwarf plant (t) bearing white flowers (r):-
(1)  Give the Genotype and Phenotype of the F1 generation.
(2)  Give the possible combinations of the gametes that can be
obtained from the F1 hybrid.
(3)  Give the dihybrid ratio and the phenotype of the offsprings of
the F2 generation when two plants of the F1 generation above
are crossed.  [5]

                                                                      84                          ICSE Specimen Question Paper                              
Question 5
(a)  Given below is a diagram depicting a defect of  the  human eye.  Study the
same and then answer the questions that follow:

(i)  Name the defect shown in the diagram.
(ii)  Name two possible reasons for this defect of the eye in human beings.
(iii)  Name the parts labelled 1 to 4.
(iv)  Draw a labelled diagram to show how the above mentioned defect is
rectified using an appropriate lens.  [5]

(b)  (i)  Mention three reasons for the increase in population in India.
  (ii)  Write the full forms of NADP and BCG.
(iii)  Explain the term antibiotic.  Give an example of an antibiotic.
(iv)  State any three functions of the World Health Organization.  [5]
Question 6
(a)  (i)  Explain the term  Plasmolysis.  Give  one  application of  this
phenomenon in our daily lives.
  (ii)  Enumerate the steps involved in testing a green leaf for the presence of
(iii)  Mention any three causes of soil pollution.  [5]
(b)  (i)  Draw a neat labelled diagram of the membranous labyrinth  found in
the  inner ear.  Name the part of the  structure  that is responsible for
static balance in human beings.
                                                                      85                          ICSE Specimen Question Paper                              
  (ii)  Name the tube which connects the cavity of the middle ear with the
  (iii)  Name any two microbial diseases and the vaccines used as preventive
measures for each.  [5]
Question 7
(a)  The diagram given below represents a stage during mitotic cell division in
an animal cell:-

(i)  Identify the stage.  Give a reason to support your answer.
(ii)  Name the parts labelled 1, 2 and 3.
(iii)  What is the chromosome number of the cell?
(iv)  Draw a neat, labelled diagram of the cell as it would appear in the
next stage.  Name the stage.  [5]
(b)  Give reasons for the following:-
(i)  Plants begin to die when excess of soluble  fertilizers are added to
the soil.
(ii)  Injury to the medulla oblongata results in death.
(iii)  Gametes have a haploid number of chromosomes.
(iv)  Green leaves are thin and broad.
(v)  There is a need to check the present rate of urbanisation.  [5]