Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Photography Is my Hobby

Sometimes its not always studies which helps you. In fact you need other extra curricular activities in life too. I have a passion and its photography.
I had been to Ranganthithu and could find myself amidst plenty of birds. The view is so serene. It felt so good to be out there and click a few beautiful pics. 
So I felt the urge to share it with you so you too could enjoy yourself out there.

The bird sanctuary is very close to Mysore near the small town Shrirangapattna.
To reach it,
  • 120 km (74.6 miles) from Bangalore on Bangalore - Mysore Road
  • 10 km (6.2 miles) from Mysore
Nearest airport: Bangalore.
The drive from Bangalore is approximately 130 km, and takes a couple of hours at the most, thanks to the four lane highway. Driving from Mysore is much nearer, about 13 km. If you are driving from Bangalore, look out for a small right turn after Srirangapatna

Once your there you need to get pay for a boat ride in the river.
The park charges a small entry fee, and the boat ride is also a charged service. For a half hour leisurely tour of the river you get charged Rs. 2200 for a whole boat. Mass rides are also available at much cheaper rates, though these are charged per person. The fees below were valid in July 2011 but may be subject to change:
Entry fee: Indians – Rs 50, foreigners – Rs 300
Boat-ride tickets: Indians – Rs 50, foreigners – Rs 300
Ranganathittu is on the river Cauvery, about 13 km away from Mysore. The part that visitors are allowed to see is a slow section of the river.

Make sure you carry a nice camera and a sturdy lens and capture it all.
Do share your experience with me.

Here are a few pics I managed to click,
Good Luck