Thursday, March 29, 2012

Chemistry Paper

                                                                          71                                ICSE Specimen Question Paper

SCIENCE Paper – 2  
(One hour and a half)
Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper.
The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
Section I is compulsory.  Attempt any four questions from Section II.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].
SECTION  I (40 Marks)
Attempt all questions from this Section
Question 1
 (a)  Choose the most appropriate answer.
  (i)    Which of the following is a common characteristic of a covalent compound?
  A  High melting point.
  B  Conducts electricity when it is in the molten state.
  C  Consists of molecules.
  D  Always soluble in water.
(ii)  Ammonium hydroxide will produce a reddish brown precipitate when added to
a solution of :
  A  CuSO4
  B  Zn(NO3)2
  C  FeSO4
  D  FeCl3
(iii)  A salt which in solution gives a bluish white precipitate with NaOH solution
and a white precipitate with BaCl2 solution is:
  A  CuSO4
  B  FeSO4
  C  Fe2 (SO4)3
  D  CuCl2
                                                                          72                                ICSE Specimen Question Paper

(iv)  The gas law which relates the volume of a gas to moles of the gas is:
  A  Avogadro’s Law
  B  Gay-Lussac’s Law
  C  Boyle’s Law
  D  Charle’s Law
(v)  During the electrolysis of acidified water which of the following takes place:
  A  Oxygen is released at cathode.
  B  Oxygen is released at anode.
  C  Hydrogen is released at anode.
  D  Sulphur dioxide is released at anode.
(vi)  Duralumin is an alloy of
  A  Al and Cu
  B  Cu and Sn
  C  Al and Ag
  D  Al and Fe
(vii)  Hydrogen chloride can be obtained by adding concentrated Sulphuric acid to:
  A  NaCl
  B  Na2SO4
  C  Na2CO3
  D  NaNO3.
(viii) Which of the following reactions gives copper as a product
  A  Passing dry ammonia over heated copper oxide.
  B  Adding dilute hydrochloric acid to copper oxide.
  C  Heating copper oxide.
  D  Passing oxygen over heated copper oxide?
(ix)  Formation of chloroform from methane and chlorine is an example of:
  A  Addition
  B  Dehydration
  C  Substitution
  D  Elimination.
                                                                          73                                ICSE Specimen Question Paper

(x)  The element with the highest ionization potential in the periodic table is:
  A  He
  B  Ne
  C  Ar
  D  Xe  [10]
(b)  The equation for the action of heat on calcium nitrate is:
  2Ca(NO3)2         2CaO + 4 NO2  + O2  
(i)  How many moles of NO2 are produced when 1 mole of Ca(NO3)2 decomposes?
(ii)  What volume of O2 at S.T.P. will be produced on heating 65.6 g of Ca (NO3)2?
(iii)  Find out the mass of CaO formed when 65.6 g of Ca(NO3)2 is heated.
(iv)  Find out  the  mass of Ca(NO3)2,    required to produce 5 moles of gaseous
(v)  Find out the mass of Ca(NO3)2 required to produce 44. 8 L of  NO2 at S.T.P.
  (Relative molecular mass of Ca(NO3)2 = 164 and of CaO = 56)      [5]
(c)  Name the organic compound prepared by each of the following reactions:
  (i)  CH3 COONa + NaOH

  (ii)  CaC2 + H2O    
(iii)  C2H5Br + KOH (alc)  
(iv)  C2H5Br + KOH (aq)    
(v)  C2H5OH + CH3COOH
24 . Con H SO
(d)  Identify the following substances:
  (i)   An acidic gas which gives dense white fumes with NH3.
  (ii)  An alkane which can also be called a green house gas.
(iii)  A solid which when kept in the open, forms a solution after sometime.
(iv)  An alloy used in electrical fittings.
(v)  A metal which gives hydrogen gas on reacting with both dilute acid and alkali.  [5]
(e)  Write equations for the following reactions:  
  (i)  Aluminium oxide and Sodium hydroxide.
  (ii)  Zinc and dilute sulphuric acid.
                                                                          74                                ICSE Specimen Question Paper
C2H5  O  C2H5
(iii)  Nitrogen dioxide and water.
(iv)  Concentrated sulphuric acid and sugar.
(v)  Copper with concentrated nitric acid.  [5]
(f)  Name the following:
  (i)  Second member of alkene series
  (ii)  First member of alkane series
(iii)  Third member of aldehyde series.
(iv)  Second member of carboxylic acid.
(v)  Fourth member of alcohol series.  [5]
(g)  Write the I.U.P.A.C. names of the following compounds:




(v)                                                                                                                          [5]

SECTION II (40 Marks)
Attempt any four questions from this Section.
Question 2.
(a)  The following questions refer to the periodic table:
  (i)  Name the second last element of the period 3.
C  H  H
C  H3C  CH3
H  C  C
H3C  C  CH3
                                                                          75                                ICSE Specimen Question Paper
  (ii)  How many elements are in the second period?
(iii)  Name the element which has the highest electron affinity.
(iv)  Name the element which has the highest electro negativity.
(v)  Name the element which may be placed on group 1 but is not a metal.  [5]

(b)  Fill in the blanks using the correct options:
  (i)  Metals have ------ ionisation potential. (low/ high)
  (ii)  Group 18 elements have  ------  valence  electrons (4 /  8) with the
exception of  ----  ( He / Ne) with  --------  electrons (2 / 8) in valence
(iii)  Group 2 elements are called ----- metals (alkali / alkaline earth).  [5]

Question 3.
(a)   Draw different isomers having the following molecular formula:
  (i)   C5H12 (chain)
  (ii)  C4H8 (position).  [5]
(b)  What is denatured alcohol?  [1]
(c)  Give two important uses of ethanol.  [2]
(d)  Write equations for:
  (i)   Preparation of ethanol by hydration of C2H4.
  (ii)  Preparation of acetic acid from ethanol.  [2]

Question. 4
(a)  Name the method by which following compounds can be prepared:
  Select the appropriate method from the following list Neutralization; direct
combination; precipitation; metal + acid – use a method only once.
(i)  Sodium sulphate
(ii)  Silver chloride
(iii)  Iron sulphide.  [3]
(b)  How will you distinguish between following pairs of compounds using
  (i)  Copper sulphate and iron(II) sulphate.
                                                                          76                                ICSE Specimen Question Paper
  (ii)  Zinc nitrate and lead nitrate.
  (iii)  Iron(II) sulphate and iron(III) sulphate.  [3]

(c)  Name:
  (i)    A greenish yellow gas with pungent smell.
  (ii)  An oxide which is yellow when hot and white when cold.
(iii)  A chemical used to deplete ozone layer.
(iv)  A crystalline salt without water of crystallization.  [4]

Question. 5
(a)  Name one:
  (i)  metal liquid at room temperature.
  (ii)  non-metal which is a conductor of electricity.
(iii)  neutral oxide.  
(iv)  metallic oxide which  cannot be reduced by hydrogen.
(v)  non-metal which has lustre.  [5]
(b)  (i)  Name the chief ore of aluminium.
  (ii)  Name the process used to concentrate the above mentioned ore.
  (iii)  Why  is  alumina  added to  cryolite  in  the  electrolytic reduction of
(iv)  Give cathode and anode reactions involved in extraction of aluminium
from its above mentioned ore.
(v)  Name the process used for the concentration of zinc blende.  [5]

Question 6.
(a)  Draw a neat and well labelled diagram for the silver plating on  an  iron
spoon.  [3]
(b)  Copy and complete the following table related to electrolysis.
S.No.  Name of Electrolyte  Name of
Name of
Product at
Product at
1.  CuSO4 (aq.)  Copper  Copper    
2.  PbBr2 (molten)  Platinum  Platinum    
                                                                          77                                ICSE Specimen Question Paper
(c)  Classify the following as oxidation and reduction reaction,  also complete the
  (i)  Cu            Cu2+

  (ii)  Fe
  (iii)  Cl
Question. 7
(a)  A compound has the following percentage composition by mass:
  Carbon – 54.55%, Hydrogen – 9.09% and Oxygen – 36.26%.  Its vapour density
is 44.  Find the Empirical and Molecular formula of the compound.  
                       (H = 1; C = 12; O = 16)   [5]
(b)  Give the electron dot structure of the following:
  (i)   NH3
  (ii)  CH4
  (iii)  H3O+
(c)  Compare the  properties of covalent and electrovalent compounds on the
following points:
  (i)  Solubility
  (ii)  Structure.  [2]

Monday, March 26, 2012

English Sample Paper

                                                                       7                           ICSE Specimen Question Paper
ENGLISH Paper – 2  
 (Two hours)
Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
Attempt five questions in all.
You must attempt one question from each of the Sections A, B and C and any two other
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [  ].

Shakespeare : As You Like It
Question 1
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
     Orlando :   Why, what‟s the matter?
    Adam :                                    O unhappy youth!
  Come not within these doors; within this roof
  The enemy of all your graces lives.
(i)    Who is the enemy of Orlando‟s graces?  Briefly state how that person has
come to be Orlando‟s „enemy‟.    [3]
(ii)     Why does Adam say that Orlando should not come  „within these doors‟?
Mention another instance from an earlier part of the play where the „enemy‟
had planned harm against Orlando‟s „graces‟.      [3]
(iii)  Who had given a similar warning to Orlando earlier?  Briefly state what that
person had said to Orlando.                                                                   [3]
(iv)  Why does Adam call Orlando an „unhappy youth‟?  What advice does
Adam give Orlando?      [3]
(v)  What does Orlando finally decide to do along with Adam?  Describe
Adam‟s sense of devotion to duty.   [4]
                                                                        8                         ICSE Specimen Question Paper
Question 2
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
            Silvius:   My errand is to you, fair youth
                            My gentle Phebe did bid me give you this:
                                             [giving a letter]
  I know not the contents; but, as I guess
  By the stern brow and waspish action
  Which she did use as she was writing of it,
  It bears an angry tenor : pardon me;
  I am but as a guiltless messenger.
Rosalind:  [Reading the letter] Patience herself
  would startle at this letter, …….

(i)  Where are Silvius and Rosalind at this time?  Who else is with Rosalind?
What had Rosalind been complaining about prior to Silvius‟ entrance?  [3]
(ii)  What does Rosalind reveal about the contents of the letter which Silvius
has given her?               [3]
(iii)  How does Oliver, who enters the scene a little later, recognize Rosalind
and her companion?      [3]
(iv)  What was Oliver‟s feelings for Orlando in the earlier part of the play?
What is his feeling towards Orlando now?  Briefly mention how this
change in Oliver was brought about.  [3]
(v)  What has Oliver brought for Rosalind from Orlando?  What effect does
this have on Rosalind and what light does this throw on Rosalind‟s
character?     [4]

                                                                        9                         ICSE Specimen Question Paper
Loyalties : John Galsworthy
Question 3
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
De Levis:   Society! Do you think I don‟t know I‟m only
tolerated for my money? Society can‟t add injury
to insult and have my money as well, that‟s all.  If
the notes are restored I‟ll  keep my mouth shut; if
they‟re not, I shan‟t.  I‟m certain I‟m right.  I ask
nothing better than to be confronted with Dancy;
but, if you prefer it, deal with it in your own way –
for the sake of your esprit de corps.
(i)  Where is De Levis at the moment and to whom is he talking?  Why is he
so agitated?   [3]
(ii)  What had Dancy done earlier that evening which makes De Levis say that
he can „jump like a cat‟?  [3]
(iii)  What is the name of the horse that De Levis sells and how much is he paid
for it?  Who bought it off him?  [3]
(iv)  Why did Dancy give De Levis the „weed‟?  What race does it win later
and what were the odds on it?  [3]
(v)  What does the phrase esprit de corps mean?  In what way does De Levis
face social ostracism for his accusation of Dancy?  [4]
Question 4
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
            Gilman:   [Taking the client’s chair, to the left of the table] Mr.
Twisden, I believe?  My name‟s Gilman, head of Gilman‟s
Department Stores.  You have my card.                                                  
            Twisden:     [Looking at the card] Yes.  What can we do for you?
            Gilman:   Well, I‟ve come to you from a sense of duty, Sir, and also a
feelin‟ of embarrassment……..          
(i)  Who is Mr. Twisden and what is the name of his firm?  Where in London
is it situated?  [3]
                                                                        10                         ICSE Specimen Question Paper
(ii)  Which two visitors have just left the office?  What news had they given
Twisden about something odd that General Canynge had noticed about
Dancy on the night of the theft?            [3]
(iii)  Who had given Gilman the stolen fifty pound note?  What was this
person‟s line of work and for how long had Gilman known him?  [3]
(iv)  How did this person account for being in possession of the note?  [3]
(v)     What decision about the case does Twisden take immediately following
this new turn of events?  What are your feelings for Dancy in the light of
these new revelations and why?  [4]

Golden Lyre

Question 5
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
Wide through the landscape of his dreams
The lordly Niger flowed;
Beneath the palm-trees on the plain
Once more a king he strode;
And heard the tinkling caravans
Descend the mountain – road.

[The Slave’s Dream – H.W. Longfellow]
(i)  Where is the slave at this moment?  Describe his present condition.                          [3]
(ii)   Explain the first two lines of the extract.  Why are the caravans described
as „tinkling‟?  [3]
(iii)  What images and sounds of the wildlife of his native land pass through the
slave‟s dream „like a glorious roll of drums‟?                     [3]
(iv)  What causes a tear to fall from the sleeper‟s lids?  [3]
(v)  Contrast the slave‟s earlier life as a king with his present pathetic
condition.  What are your feelings for him at the end of the poem?        [4]
                                                                        11                         ICSE Specimen Question Paper
Question 6
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

                  I remember the night my mother
was stung by a scorpion.  Ten hours
of steady rain had driven him
to crawl beneath a sack of rice.
[Night of the Scorpion – Nissim Ezekiel]

(i)  Describe the night when the poet‟s mother was stung by a scorpion.
Where had the scorpion hidden itself and what did it do after stinging the
mother?     [3]
(ii)  What expression has the poet used to describe the coming of the peasants?
What did they do to „paralyze the Evil One‟?     [3]
(iii)  Why did the peasants pray for the scorpion to sit still?  Mention any one
thing that the peasants said as they sat around the poet‟s mother.  [3]
(iv)  What did the poet‟s father do to relieve the pain of his wife?  [3]
(v)  For how long did the mother suffer?  What did the mother say when she
recovered?  What are your feelings for the mother and father after reading
the poem?    [4]
A Treasure Trove of Short Stories
Question 7
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

“Jim, darling,” she cried, “don‟t look at me that way.  I had my hair cut off
and sold it because I couldn‟t have lived through Christmas without giving
you a present.  It will grow out again – you won‟t mind, will you?  I just
had to do it.  My hair grows awfully fast.  Say „Merry Christmas!‟ Jim, and
let‟s be happy.  You don‟t know what a nice – what a beautiful, nice gift I
have got for you.”
(i)  What was the expression on Jim‟s face as he stepped inside the flat?  What
was the reason for this expression?      [3]
                                                                        12                         ICSE Specimen Question Paper
(ii)  Describe the present that Della has bought for Jim.    [3]
(iii)  Give a brief description of the flat that Jim and Della live in so as to highlight
their poor financial condition.    [3]
(iv)  How much of money had Della saved at the start of the story?  How had she
been able to save this amount?    [3]
(v)  How would you describe the sacrifice made by the two characters in the
story?  Were they foolish or wise in doing what they did?  Give your reasons
briefly.                                             [4]
Question 8
The Tiger in the Tunnel is a story of the extraordinary courage of an ordinary
watchman while performing his duty.  By referring to incidents in the story describe:  
(a)  The ordinary life of Baldev as a watchman.
(b)  The extraordinary courage shown by him while on duty.   [16]

Animal Farm : George Orwell
Question 9
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
Mrs. Jones looked out of the bedroom window, saw what was
happening, hurriedly flung a few possessions into a carpet bag, and
slipped out of the farm by another way.  Moses sprang off his perch and
flapped after her, croaking  loudly.  Meanwhile the animals had chased
Jones and his men out on to the road and slammed the five – barred gate
behind them.  And so, almost before they knew what was happening, the
Rebellion had been successfully carried through:  Jones was expelled,
and the Manor Farm was theirs.
(i)  What did Mrs. Jones see on looking out of her bedroom window?   [3]
(ii)  What was the immediate cause for the Rebellion?  [3]
(iii)  How did the animals celebrate their first day of freedom from human tyranny?     [3]
(iv)  What did the animals see on their tour of the farmhouse and what unanimous
resolution did they pass?    [3]  
                                                                        13                         ICSE Specimen Question Paper
(v)  What was the first of the seven commandments that embodied the principles
of Animalism?  
            Where were these commandments written and how was it done?  [4]
Question 10
In Chapter VIII, the humans, led by Frederick, boldly attack Animal Farm. Narrate
how the attackers were beaten back in what came to be known as „The Battle of the
Windmill‟ and how the animals later celebrated their victory.                                  [16]

To Sir with Love : E.R. Braithwaite
Question 11
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
I felt drained of strength and thought; yet somehow I managed to leave
that office, navigate the passage, lift and corridor, and walk out of the
building into the busy sunlit street.  I had just been brought face to face
with something I had either forgotten or completely ignored for more
than six exciting years – my black skin.
(i)  How had the receptionist behaved before and after she learned that
Braithwaite had been called for an interview with Mr. Symonds?    [3]
(ii)  What post had Braithwaite applied for?  How had the Appointments Office
helped in this regard?    [3]
(iii)  What had Mr. Symonds told Braithwaite to make him feel drained of
strength and thought?   [3]
(iv)  What does Braithwaite do immediately following this first interview to
prevent further humiliation?    [3]
(v)  Later, Braithwaite talks about a casual encounter which changed the course of
his  life.  Where and with whom did  this encounter take place and how did it
affect his future course of life?    [4]

Question 12
How had his class behaved on their trip to the Victoria and Albert Museum that
made Braithwaite feel proud of them?  Who had earlier objected  to the trip and
why?  Under what conditions was it allowed to go ahead?  [16]  

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Icse History Sample Paper

                                                                 45                        ICSE Specimen Question Paper
H.C.G. - Paper - 1
(Two hours)
Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
Attempt all questions from Part I (Compulsory).  A total of five questions are to be
attempted from Part II, two out of three questions from Section A and three out of
 five questions from Section B.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [  ].

PART I (30 Marks)
Attempt all questions from this Part
Question 1
(a)  What is meant by a federal structure of government?   [1]
(b)  Who is the presiding officer of the Lok Sabha?   [1]
(c)  Name the two Houses of a Bicameral Legislature.  [1]
(d)  Who settles disputes in connection with the election of the Vice President?  [1]
(e)  When can an ordinance be issued by the President?  [1]
(f)  Under which  situation may  the President  exercise his discretion  in selecting
the Prime Minister?    [1]
(g)  By whom and on whose advice can the Legislative Assembly be dissolved?  [1]
(h)  Mention the grounds on which a Judge of the Supreme Court be removed?  [1]
(i)  What is the purpose of the writ of prohibition?  [1]
(j)  Which  jurisdiction  will  give  the  High Court  the authority  to hear cases
regarding Admiralty and Contempt of Court?  [1]

Question 2
(a)  Mention any  two  social reforms advocated by the British which affected
the religious traditions of the people.    [2]
                                                                          46                       ICSE Specimen Question Paper
(b)  Name any  two  methods through which the Moderates carried their
agitation.   [2]
(c)  Name the  two  Weeklies through which Tilak spread the message of
liberty.  [2]
(d)  Who founded the Mohammedan Anglo Oriental College at Aligarh?
Name the Viceroy who was responsible for granting separate
representation to the Muslims in 1909.   [2]
(e)  Which tragic incident prompted Gandhiji to launch the Non Cooperation
Movement? Why was the Khilafat Movement launched?  [2]
(f)  Which country was  blamed for the assassination of Archduke Francis
  Which treaty was the symbol of humiliation to the German people?  [2]
(g)  What is the term of office of the President of the International Court of
Justice? Who elects the non-permanent members of the Security Council?  [2]
(h)  What was the Marshall Plan? Name any  two military alliances that came
into being as a consequence of Cold War.  [2]
(i)  Mention any two functions of the World Health Organisation.   [2]
(j)  Who were the architects of the Non-Aligned Movement?  [2]

PART II (50 Marks)
Attempt any two questions from this Section
Question 3

With reference to the Union Parliament and the State Legislature, discuss:

 (a)  The procedure laid down for the passage of money bills by the State
Legislature.   [3]
(b)  The circumstances under which the Union Parliament may make laws on
subjects in the State List.   [3]
(c)  The grounds for disqualifying a person from being a member of the Rajya
Sabha.    [4]
                                                                          47                       ICSE Specimen Question Paper
Question 4
Assess the position of the Governor and the Chief Minister under the following
(a)  The judicial powers of the Governor.  [3]
(b)  The power of the Chief Minister in relation to the State Legislature.  [3]
(c)  The legislative powers of the Governor.  [4]
Question 5
Our Constitution  provides for the establishment of an independent, integrated
judiciary with the Supreme Court as the final tribunal in the country. In this
context, explain:
(a)  The meaning and scope of Original Jurisdiction.      [3]
(b)  The term Judicial Review.
  Why is the Supreme Court described as a Court of Record?  [3]
(c)  The independence of the judiciary from the control of the executive.   [4]

Attempt any three questions from this Section
Question 6
The revolt of 1857 had far-reaching effects on the administrative  setup,  judicial
administration and military organization in India. In this context, discuss:
(a)  Rights granted to the Indian princes.  [3]
(b)  Rise of nationalism in India.  [3]
(c)  The changes introduced in the administrative setup of the British  
territories in India.  [4]
Question 7
The period between 1905 and 1914 saw the rise of aggressive nationalism. In this
context, state:
(a)  The contribution of Tilak to the freedom struggle.  [3]
(b)  Those measures that illustrate the repressive policies of Lord Curzon.  [3]
(c)     The achievements of the aggressive nationalists.  [4]
                                                                          48                       ICSE Specimen Question Paper
Question 8

(a)  Name the historic event associated with the picture given above. With this
event,  the Indian National Congress launched  a  national  movement in
1930.  Name the movement and the causes leading to this movement.  [4]
(b)  Why was the movement suspended?  [3]
(c)  Why was the movement renewed?  [3]
Question 9
The Cabinet Mission Proposal evoked a mixed reaction from the leaders of both the
congress and the Muslim League. In this context, state briefly:
(a)  Any four proposals made by the Cabinet Mission.  [4]
(b)  The reaction of the Congress to the Cabinet Mission proposals.  [3]
(c)  The reaction of the League to  the Cabinet Mission  proposals,  and  later
rejection of the Cabinet Mission proposals.  [3]  
Question 10
With reference to the First World War:
(a)  Mention any three objectives of the League of Nations.  [3]
(b)  Describe briefly any three results of the First World War.   [3]
(c)  What do you mean by Human Rights?  Many commissions are playing an
active role in the implementation of Human Rights. In this connection,
describe the role of any one commission.  [4]

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

TopoSheet for practice

a. Village Panthawada b. Settlement Gonodora
c. Lime Kiln near/west of Palswala
d. dry tank near village Lakhnasar
e. Open Scrub in the south-west
f. Settlement Atal in the south
g. Village Gonodaria near Sipu river
h. Open scrub in the north
i. Sheet rock east of village Sodapur
j. Village Santarwada
k. Village Mahudi Moti
l. Settlement Rampura in the South

QUESTION 2 : Find 6-figure grid reference:
a. Lime Kiln (West of Panswala) b. Post office in village Panthawada
c. Dry tank near village Mohudi Moti 
d. post office in village Panthawada 
e. Perennial lined weill in in village Agdol
f. A temple near Panthawada
g. A temple near village Mahudi Nani Kheda
h. Perennial well near village Gonodara
i. Lime kiln in the north-east of Rampura

QUESTION 3. Give the directions of the following:
a. Village Panthawada (8199) from Kuchawada (7795)
b. village Ganeshpura (8089) from Atal (8186)
c. Village Sodapur (8089) from Mahudi Nani (8192)
d. Village Mahudi Moti (7992) from Rampura (8293)
e. Village Agdol (7689) from Mahudi Moti (7992)
f. Village Kunchawada (7795) from Mahudi Mothi

a. In grid square 8294
ii In grid square 8194
iii. In grid square 7996

QUESTION 5: Name three man-made features found in grid square 8189
QUESTION 6: State the meaning of each of the following:
a. ∆244 in grid square 8294
b. 50r in grid square 7689
c. 180 in brown grid square 8289
d. 7r in grid square 8392
e. Broken brown line in grid square 7997
f. 7r in grid square 7697
g. A red line passing through the grid square 7890
h. Broken red line in grid square 8390
i. A prominent feature shown in grid square 8195 formed due to lack of water.
j. 3r in grid square 7991
k. 200 in brown ingrid square 8295
l. ................ small black dots ingrid square 7993
m. 5r in grid square 8491
n. 21r north of village Ganeshpura in grid square 8089

QUESTION 7: What is the settlement pattern on this map?

QUESTION 8: Give two main occupations of the people. Give reasons.

QUESTION 9: Besidethe above two, state another occupation of the people in grid square 8189.

QUESTION 10. What is the general slope of the land? Give two reasons.

QUESTION 11: Explain the relief of the area.

QUESTION 12: What is the difference between the Sipu river and Mahadeviyo Nala?

QUESTION 13: What is the mode of transport in the region? Give reasons.
QUESTION 14:What is the mode of irrigation in the region? Give three reasons with suitable symbols.
QUESTION 15: Where are the forests located in the region? Give reasons.


Question Paper

(Two hours and a half)
Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B.
All working, including rough work, must be clearly shown and must be done on the
same sheet as the rest of the answer.
Omission of essential working will result in loss of marks.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].
Mathematical tables are provided.

SECTION A (40 Marks)
Attempt all questions from this Section
Question 1
(a)  Find the value of a and b if
1 x
2 x
 are factors of
x ax b
.    [3]
(b)  In the figure given below, ABCD is a parallelogram. E is a point on AB.
CE intersects the diagonal BD at G and EF is parallel to BC.
  If AE : EB = 1 : 2 find                                      
(i)   EF : AD
  (ii)   area of triangle BEF : area of triangle ABD    [3]

D  C
G                                                                           58                      ICSE Specimen Question Paper
B  A
(c)        On a certain sum of money, the difference between the compound interest
for a year, payable half yearly, and the simple interest for a year is Rs 16.
Find the sum lent out, if the rate of interest in both cases is 8 % .  [4]

Question 2
(a)  Plot the points A(9,6) and B(5,9) on the graph paper. These two points are
the vertices of a figure ABCD which is symmetrical about x = 5 and y = 6.
Complete the figure on the graph.  Write down the geometrical name of
the figure.  [3]
(b)  In the diagram given below  EDC. The tangent drawn to the circle at C
makes an angle of 500
 with AB produced. Find the measure of  ACB.   [3]

(c)  PQRS is a square  piece of  land of  side  56  m.  Two semicircular grass
covered lawns are made on two of its opposite sides as shown in the figure.
Calculate the area of the uncovered portion.   [4]

Q  P                                                                           59                      ICSE Specimen Question Paper
Question 3
(a)   If
4    4
-2   6
2     1
3    - 2
 find the matrix D such that              
  3A – 2B + 2D = 0    [3]
(b)        A point P(a, b) is reflected in the Y-axis to P1
 (-3, 1)
   Write down the values of a and b.
 is the image of P when reflected in the X axis.
  Write down the coordinates of P11
 is the image of P when reflected in the line X = 5.
   Write down the coordinates of P111
.  [3]
(c)  Given :
{ : 3 2 1 9, } A x x x R
{ :11 3 2 23, } B x x x R

where R is the set of real numbers.          
(i)   Represent A and B on number lines
  (ii)  On the number line also mark
.  [4]
Question 4
(a)        Without using a trigonometric table calculate:  
72 sec
42 cot
48 tan
58 cos
32 sin
(b)        Mr. Jacob has a two years recurring deposit account in State Bank of India
and deposits Rs.1500 per month.  If he receives Rs.37,875 at the time of
maturity, find the rate of interest.        [3]
(c)  Calculate the arithmetic mean, correct to one decimal place, for the
following frequency distribution of marks obtained in a Geometry test.  
Marks  0-10  10-20  20-30  30-40  40-50
No of students  7  13  15  12  3
SECTION B (40 Marks)
Attempt any four questions from this Section
Question 5
(a)  If
2    4 3x 3 4
  + 2 = 5
6     2 2 4 y
 find the values of
and y.  [3]                                                                           60                      ICSE Specimen Question Paper
21 cm
30 cm  C  E
F  0
7 cm
B  D
(b)  In the diagram given below if AF = 21 cm, CE = 30  cm and FB = 7 cm.
Find the volume of the figure.  [3]

(c)  A man bought 200 shares each of face value Rs.10 at Rs. 12 per share.  At
the end of the year, the company from which he bought the shares declares
a dividend of 15%. Calculate:
(i)  the amount of money invested by the man
(ii)  the amount of dividend he received
(iii)  the percentage return on his outlay.      [4]

Question  6
(a)  Solve the following quadratic equation for x and give your answer correct
to three significant figures:
2 4 3 0 xx
(b)  An integer is chosen at random from 1 to 50. Find the probability that the
number is:
  (i)    divisible by 5
  (ii)    a perfect cube
  (iii)  a prime number.  [3]
(c)    Find
 from the following equation using properties of proportion:
1 14( 1)
13( 1) 1
x x x
x xx
Question 7
(a)  Bosco wishes to start a 200 m2
  rectangular vegetable garden. Since he has
only 50  m  barbed wire, he fences three  sides of the rectangular garden
letting his house compound wall act as the fourth side of the fence. Find the
dimensions of the garden.  [3]                                                                           61                      ICSE Specimen Question Paper
(b)  Construct a triangle ABC, with AB = 6 cm, BC = 7 cm and  ABC = 60 .
Locate by construction the point P such that
(i)  P is equidistant from B and C.
(ii)  P is equidistant from AB and BC
(iii)  Measure and record the length of PA.  [3]
(c)   Mr.  A. Ramchander  has an account with  Central  Bank of India.    The
following entries are from his pass book:
Date  Particulars  Withdrawal  Deposits  Balance
05.01.2009  B/F      8000
20.01.2009  To self  2500  
04.02.2009  By cash    9000
20.02.2009  By cash    3000
04.03.2009  To self  1000  
15.04.2009  By cash    12000
  Complete the above page of his passbook and calculate the interest
accumulated in four months,  January to April  at the rate of  3.5% per
annum. If the interest is added on 30th
 April, find his balance on that date.  [4]
Question 8
(a)  Prove that
1 1 2
sec tan sec tan cos x x x x x
.  [3]
(b)  In the figure given below, CD is the diameter of the circle which meets the
chord AB at P such that AP = BP = 12 cm. If DP = 8 cm, find the radius
of the circle.     [3]

P  B  A
D                                                                           62                      ICSE Specimen Question Paper
(c)  Prove that A(2, 1), B(0,3) and  C(-2,1) are the three vertices of  an
isosceles right angled triangle.  Hence find the coordinates of a point D, if
ABCD is a square.  [4]
Question 9
(a)  A fair dice is rolled. Find the probability of getting      
(i)   3 on the face of the dice
(ii)   an odd number on the face of the dice
(iii)   a number greater than 1 on the face of the dice.    [3]
(b)  A (4,2), B(6,8) and C (8,4) are the vertices of a triangle ABC. Write down
the equation of the median of the triangle through A.  [3]  
(c)  The angle of elevation of an aeroplane from a point P on the ground is 60o
After 12 seconds from the same point P, the angle of elevation of the same
plane changes to 30o
.  If the  plane  is flying horizontally at a speed of
600 3
km / h, find the height at which the plane is flying.  [4]
Question 10

(a)  The following table  shows the distribution of the heights of a group of
140-145  145-150  150-155  155-160  160-165  165-170  170-175
No of
8  12  18  22  26  10  4

Use a graph sheet to draw an Ogive for the distribution.
Use the Ogive to find:
(i)  the inter quartile range
(ii)  the number of students whose height is more than 168 cm
(iii)   the number of students whose height is less than 148 cm.  [6]
(b)  The manufacturer  sold a TV to a wholesaler  for Rs.7000. The wholesaler
sold it to a trader at a profit of Rs.1000. If the trader sold it to the customer
at a profit of Rs.1500, find:
(i)  the total VAT  (value added tax)  collected by the state
government at the rate of 5% .
(ii)   the amount that the customer pays for the TV.  [4]

                                                                           63                     ICSE Specimen Question Paper
Question 11
(a)  In the diagram given below, equation of AB is
3 1 0 xy
 and equation
of AC is
20 xy

(i)  Write down the angles that the lines AC and AB make with the
positive direction of  X- axis.
  (ii)    Find  BAC.  [3]
(b)  In the figure given below, O is the center of the circle. Chord CD is parallel
to the diameter AB.  If  ABC = 35 , calculate  CED.  [3]  

(c)  Construct a triangle ABC, given that AB = 6  cm, BC = 8 cm and median
AD = 5 cm. Construct an incircle to triangle ABC and measure its radius.  [4]