Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Question Paper

(Two hours and a half)
Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B.
All working, including rough work, must be clearly shown and must be done on the
same sheet as the rest of the answer.
Omission of essential working will result in loss of marks.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].
Mathematical tables are provided.

SECTION A (40 Marks)
Attempt all questions from this Section
Question 1
(a)  Find the value of a and b if
1 x
2 x
 are factors of
x ax b
.    [3]
(b)  In the figure given below, ABCD is a parallelogram. E is a point on AB.
CE intersects the diagonal BD at G and EF is parallel to BC.
  If AE : EB = 1 : 2 find                                      
(i)   EF : AD
  (ii)   area of triangle BEF : area of triangle ABD    [3]

D  C
G                                                                           58                      ICSE Specimen Question Paper
B  A
(c)        On a certain sum of money, the difference between the compound interest
for a year, payable half yearly, and the simple interest for a year is Rs 16.
Find the sum lent out, if the rate of interest in both cases is 8 % .  [4]

Question 2
(a)  Plot the points A(9,6) and B(5,9) on the graph paper. These two points are
the vertices of a figure ABCD which is symmetrical about x = 5 and y = 6.
Complete the figure on the graph.  Write down the geometrical name of
the figure.  [3]
(b)  In the diagram given below  EDC. The tangent drawn to the circle at C
makes an angle of 500
 with AB produced. Find the measure of  ACB.   [3]

(c)  PQRS is a square  piece of  land of  side  56  m.  Two semicircular grass
covered lawns are made on two of its opposite sides as shown in the figure.
Calculate the area of the uncovered portion.   [4]

Q  P                                                                           59                      ICSE Specimen Question Paper
Question 3
(a)   If
4    4
-2   6
2     1
3    - 2
 find the matrix D such that              
  3A – 2B + 2D = 0    [3]
(b)        A point P(a, b) is reflected in the Y-axis to P1
 (-3, 1)
   Write down the values of a and b.
 is the image of P when reflected in the X axis.
  Write down the coordinates of P11
 is the image of P when reflected in the line X = 5.
   Write down the coordinates of P111
.  [3]
(c)  Given :
{ : 3 2 1 9, } A x x x R
{ :11 3 2 23, } B x x x R

where R is the set of real numbers.          
(i)   Represent A and B on number lines
  (ii)  On the number line also mark
.  [4]
Question 4
(a)        Without using a trigonometric table calculate:  
72 sec
42 cot
48 tan
58 cos
32 sin
(b)        Mr. Jacob has a two years recurring deposit account in State Bank of India
and deposits Rs.1500 per month.  If he receives Rs.37,875 at the time of
maturity, find the rate of interest.        [3]
(c)  Calculate the arithmetic mean, correct to one decimal place, for the
following frequency distribution of marks obtained in a Geometry test.  
Marks  0-10  10-20  20-30  30-40  40-50
No of students  7  13  15  12  3
SECTION B (40 Marks)
Attempt any four questions from this Section
Question 5
(a)  If
2    4 3x 3 4
  + 2 = 5
6     2 2 4 y
 find the values of
and y.  [3]                                                                           60                      ICSE Specimen Question Paper
21 cm
30 cm  C  E
F  0
7 cm
B  D
(b)  In the diagram given below if AF = 21 cm, CE = 30  cm and FB = 7 cm.
Find the volume of the figure.  [3]

(c)  A man bought 200 shares each of face value Rs.10 at Rs. 12 per share.  At
the end of the year, the company from which he bought the shares declares
a dividend of 15%. Calculate:
(i)  the amount of money invested by the man
(ii)  the amount of dividend he received
(iii)  the percentage return on his outlay.      [4]

Question  6
(a)  Solve the following quadratic equation for x and give your answer correct
to three significant figures:
2 4 3 0 xx
(b)  An integer is chosen at random from 1 to 50. Find the probability that the
number is:
  (i)    divisible by 5
  (ii)    a perfect cube
  (iii)  a prime number.  [3]
(c)    Find
 from the following equation using properties of proportion:
1 14( 1)
13( 1) 1
x x x
x xx
Question 7
(a)  Bosco wishes to start a 200 m2
  rectangular vegetable garden. Since he has
only 50  m  barbed wire, he fences three  sides of the rectangular garden
letting his house compound wall act as the fourth side of the fence. Find the
dimensions of the garden.  [3]                                                                           61                      ICSE Specimen Question Paper
(b)  Construct a triangle ABC, with AB = 6 cm, BC = 7 cm and  ABC = 60 .
Locate by construction the point P such that
(i)  P is equidistant from B and C.
(ii)  P is equidistant from AB and BC
(iii)  Measure and record the length of PA.  [3]
(c)   Mr.  A. Ramchander  has an account with  Central  Bank of India.    The
following entries are from his pass book:
Date  Particulars  Withdrawal  Deposits  Balance
05.01.2009  B/F      8000
20.01.2009  To self  2500  
04.02.2009  By cash    9000
20.02.2009  By cash    3000
04.03.2009  To self  1000  
15.04.2009  By cash    12000
  Complete the above page of his passbook and calculate the interest
accumulated in four months,  January to April  at the rate of  3.5% per
annum. If the interest is added on 30th
 April, find his balance on that date.  [4]
Question 8
(a)  Prove that
1 1 2
sec tan sec tan cos x x x x x
.  [3]
(b)  In the figure given below, CD is the diameter of the circle which meets the
chord AB at P such that AP = BP = 12 cm. If DP = 8 cm, find the radius
of the circle.     [3]

P  B  A
D                                                                           62                      ICSE Specimen Question Paper
(c)  Prove that A(2, 1), B(0,3) and  C(-2,1) are the three vertices of  an
isosceles right angled triangle.  Hence find the coordinates of a point D, if
ABCD is a square.  [4]
Question 9
(a)  A fair dice is rolled. Find the probability of getting      
(i)   3 on the face of the dice
(ii)   an odd number on the face of the dice
(iii)   a number greater than 1 on the face of the dice.    [3]
(b)  A (4,2), B(6,8) and C (8,4) are the vertices of a triangle ABC. Write down
the equation of the median of the triangle through A.  [3]  
(c)  The angle of elevation of an aeroplane from a point P on the ground is 60o
After 12 seconds from the same point P, the angle of elevation of the same
plane changes to 30o
.  If the  plane  is flying horizontally at a speed of
600 3
km / h, find the height at which the plane is flying.  [4]
Question 10

(a)  The following table  shows the distribution of the heights of a group of
140-145  145-150  150-155  155-160  160-165  165-170  170-175
No of
8  12  18  22  26  10  4

Use a graph sheet to draw an Ogive for the distribution.
Use the Ogive to find:
(i)  the inter quartile range
(ii)  the number of students whose height is more than 168 cm
(iii)   the number of students whose height is less than 148 cm.  [6]
(b)  The manufacturer  sold a TV to a wholesaler  for Rs.7000. The wholesaler
sold it to a trader at a profit of Rs.1000. If the trader sold it to the customer
at a profit of Rs.1500, find:
(i)  the total VAT  (value added tax)  collected by the state
government at the rate of 5% .
(ii)   the amount that the customer pays for the TV.  [4]

                                                                           63                     ICSE Specimen Question Paper
Question 11
(a)  In the diagram given below, equation of AB is
3 1 0 xy
 and equation
of AC is
20 xy

(i)  Write down the angles that the lines AC and AB make with the
positive direction of  X- axis.
  (ii)    Find  BAC.  [3]
(b)  In the figure given below, O is the center of the circle. Chord CD is parallel
to the diameter AB.  If  ABC = 35 , calculate  CED.  [3]  

(c)  Construct a triangle ABC, given that AB = 6  cm, BC = 8 cm and median
AD = 5 cm. Construct an incircle to triangle ABC and measure its radius.  [4]  

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